Career Advice

  • The home health care field is, at times, notorious for low wages, inconsistent work and a lack of upward mobility. The average wage for a home health aide is $10.87 per hour and the number of experience years does not always translate to a higher......

  • Many Home Care agencies will use behavioral interview questions to gather an understanding of how applicants apply their knowledge and skills in the field. These types of questions are often used by large companies across industries and are more frequent amongst competitive positions. If you......

  • The home healthcare industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the country. In 2015, it was valued at 244.4 billion USD and estimated to grow by leaps and bounds as the population in the US and the world continue to live longer and......

  • Did you know that more than 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s? By 2050 this number could increase to as high as 16 million. The need for home health aides who are educated and/or specialize in dementia care is on the rise as this......

  •           Toby Anderson is the CEO of Bright Star Care of the Upper East Side in New York City.  He started his business last November and has been directly involved in the home health aide interview and hiring process for about......

  • Career Goal #1: Increasing your hourly wage  Ultimately you should try to earn 10-20% more every year Consider your average hourly salary over the course of your career and what you want it to be. Have a realistic number in mind that you can shoot......