Business Path

Quick Resources

Social Media for Healthcare Professionals

Video Lecture
Duration: 36 minutes
Description: Protecting your client should always be your first priority. In a world which massively utilizes social media, people often make the mistake of ‘oversharing’ which could lead to lawsuits, fines and incarceration. Take this free course to learn about the HIPPA compliance laws that are in place and how to use social media responsibly.

Sales Training: Back to Basics

Duration: 28:44 minutes
Video Lecture
Description: Exploring the sales side of the healthcare industry is an exciting venture. Sales is a fantastic field to get into and allows many opportunities for a tremendous amount of career growth. Understanding the skills and techniques is critical and vital to your success. This course will introduce you to the techniques and mindset you need to thrive in a sales role.

How to Answer Behavioral Interview Questions

Video Lecture
Description: Preparing for behavioral questions during job interviews. Many interviews include questions that start with ‘tell me about a time when’ or ‘give me an example of when you did …’; these are behavioral questions that interviewers are trained to ask and assess answers to. You need to structure your answers appropriately and this quick 10 minute video can help you prepare.

Helpful Courses

English Made Simple: Idioms For Business & Communication

Duration: 1 hour
Cost: $10.99
Video lectures

Communication is key in any job role. This can be challenging for those whose 2nd language is English. This course will take you through several short lectures and practice activities to help you learn and understand commonly used vocabulary & phrases in the English language to build confidence and enhance your conversations with clients and co-workers.


LinkedIn for Healthcare Professionals

Duration: 2 hours
Price: $10.99
Video lectures and reading material

LinkedIn for Healthcare Professionals

Seeking out a new career opportunity can be intimidating especially if you don’t know where to begin. Building a network and making the right connections can lead you in the right direction and give you a leg up in securing a position. This course will walk you through LinkedIn from the start; including how to build a profile and posting relevant content to engage your connections.


Write the Perfect Resume for Healthcare Careers

Duration: 1 hour
Price: $10.99
Video lectures, reading materials

Write the Perfect Resume for Healthcare Careers

While jobs in the healthcare industry are on the rise, so is the number of people interested in these positions. In a competitive industry, you must be prepared to stand out! This course will walk you through exactly what you need to do to create an eye catching resume, emphasize your experiences and define your employment goals concisely, and how to target your resume for a specific job you want!

Specialization Certificates

Fundamentals of Healthcare Communication

Duration: 4.5 hours
Cost: $10.99
Video Lectures and Reading Materials

Description: Having a general understanding of your company’s financial components can be extremely beneficial and help you to build up the knowledge needed to see what impacts the business day to day. This course will teach you income basics, how to track expenses, assets and equity, financial reporting, and bookkeeping tips.

Sales Training: Practical Sales Techniques

Duration – 2 hours
Cost: $10.99 Video lectures, reading materials

Description: There is a wide variety of jobs in the healthcare industry that rely heavily on sales; pharmaceuticals, medical services, even facilities like nursing homes have a ‘selling’ function. Making a sale is no simple task and it is dependent on a variety of factors. This course will walk you through how to present yourself to a potential client, organization skills, mastering body language and the various styles of how to sell.

How to Write Like a Professional and Boost Your Career Today

Duration – 1 hour
Video Lectures and Reading Materials

Description: Business writing is not just limited to writing large reports or proposals. Writing clearly and concisely in your everyday communications, like email, is an extremely effective way to maintain an efficient working relationship with colleagues and will help bridge/prevent any gaps between you and your clients.