Home Health Care Career Goals: Assignment 1

Home Health Care Career Goals: Assignment 1

Career Goal #1: Increasing your hourly wage 

  • Ultimately you should try to earn 10-20% more every year
  • Consider your average hourly salary over the course of your career and what you want it to be. Have a realistic number in mind that you can shoot for.


Step 1: Upgrade your resume.

Time Commitment: 1 Week; 3-4 Hours

  • Read through your resume and correct any errors, typos or grammar mistakes. Remember that employers are looking for attention to detail.
  • Be sure to outline your experiences and highlight specific conditions/specialized cases you have been assigned. Do not include any information that may identify your clients.

Remember that employers are looking for staff with experience that matches the cases they have.

  • Include your personal bio and interests.  Matching clients with caregivers that have shared interests, hobbies, language skills, etc. is ideal for any agency.
  • Share your existing resume with a few friends or a mentor in the industry and ask for advice on how you may be able to make it stand out more.
  • Or submit your resume to Ozer@Ozertraining.com and we will review it for you for free!


Step 2: Sharpen Your Interview Skills: Read the following articles before your next interview.

Time Commitment: 1 Hour


Step 3: Practice discussing some of these core concepts prior to and during your next interview. Present a well prepared, educated and professional demeanor by watching these quick free video tutorials.

Time Commitment: 30 minutes


Step 4: Research Home Care agencies and services in your area and find out who is likely to pay more.

Time Commitment: 1-2 Hours

  • Contact 5 -10 Home Care agencies in your area and simply inquire about their services as if you were a potential client seeking out information.  Ask:
    • How much does this agency charge for someone with your qualifications?
    • Most agencies will ask you a few questions like: how many hours, what are the patient’s needs, insurance status  (say you are a private paying client – in these cases the agency has more freedom to charge according to the service they provide)
  • Star the agencies that quoted the highest rates and start looking at their job posts and pay special attention to the skills and experiences they are looking for
  • Speak to your current employer and ask some simple questions:
    • What do I need to do to be able to earn 20% more in the next year?
      • You will be surprised at how many employers are happy to hear a question like this.  It means you are looking to improve and invest in your career and they can look forward to having someone on their roster who will be improving their skill set.
      • Don’t put your employer or potential employer on the spot during the first conversation by suggesting you expect a raise right now or within a week.  First arm yourself with the right information to make a sound decision.